Friday, February 15, 2008

Two views...

... from my old high school in Logan, Utah.

Two random ones.


lines and textures.

More Utah photos comin' soon. Probably going to post a few tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Utah Part 2. (and cog magazine!)

Here's a few from my film shots while in Utah. I'm going to be uploading a few a day. Might miss the next two days because I'm heading to Las Vegas in the morning for some trade shows. These photos are a little disjointed and from different days. We had a lot of fun... and a TON of fresh powder everyday. Knee high or more on the daily! But anyways, onto the pictures for your viewing pleasure:

*For the record. The Hummer H3 wasn't our first choice as a rental, but it did it's job surprisingly well. haha.

Also! New issue of Cog Magazine came out. I have some photos in there.

First one is a spread from one of the LAfixedrides.

Taco Tuesday's "Photo ride.":

Photos for a story on Swrve Cycling Clothing:

and the cover just in case you're somewhere to see it... a.k.a. a bike shop geared towards fixed gear bikes.

Ok. Time for bed. Next stop, Vegas. Maybe I'll bring back some photos from there as well!
My name is Mikey Tnasuttimonkol. I take pictures... it's my job. If you need to get at me, email me. <<<<© Copyright 2008 Mikey Dontusemypictureswithoutmypermission! All Rights Reserved>>>>