Friday, January 4, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lemme spit some knowledge.

My friend Marc from Australia just sent me this photo (below). It's a scan from a recent issue of Movement Magazine. They asked all the contributors for 2007 to send in a simple photo of them and a little blurb about their favorite contribution to the mag that year.

Try n spot me!

For an enlargement of the photo above, click here.

And a link to the section on everyone's statements about their favorite contribution... click here.

Thanks to Marc! Thanks to Movement!

Also... If you have a chance to get to Barnes & Noble (or wherever else you can find this magazine), I have an ad running in Antenna Magazine, for Godwin Genes. I shot this for them when I was in NYC last... September was it? Make sure to pick up the issue... or at least peep it. Then go check out Godwin's line... online.

(/\jacked this photo from\)

PAGE 31!!!

Two other variations that we were debating on using.

Rocky & Lackey.

Don't have any new photos at the moment, so I posting some from almost a year ago. These two guys are two of the best bodyboarders in the world. Mitch Rawlins & Matt Lackey on a lazy afternoon at the Billabong house looking over Pipeline, Backdoor & Off The Wall. This is what you do on the North Shore when there aren't any waves...

Monday, December 31, 2007

Sneak peeks from mag work...

This is for Cog Magazine. They're doing an article on Swrve Cycling. Swrve is a cycling specific clothing company based in Downtown LA. Owned and operated by Matt & Muriel. Great people with awesome product.


This shot is for PreQuel Magazine. Part of the fashion editorial for the upcoming issue. Styling by Jon Phenom.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

picks from the past several months.

Revival of the Fittest.

some photos from the past week or so. nothin crazy... but just some fun snapshotish photos.

foolin around in the salt creek parking lot:

Part two:

Part three:

Jake looks like his great... uncle?:

jake plays with water:


wind chimes:



smashing his own head:

fun with the family.... my cousin len and my grandma:

spent a day with my cousin Matthew. He's visiting from TX. we were supposed to go snowboarding this day, but it was really really windy up at the moutain... so i brought him to an empty neighborhood to do some sidewalk surfin:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Vivan madness (sorry for the messed up colors... i'm lazy... didn't fix that):

what you don't see is the mountain lion off to the right of the frame... right before they got down to wrestling. vivan won:

kid n pidgeons:
My name is Mikey Tnasuttimonkol. I take pictures... it's my job. If you need to get at me, email me. <<<<© Copyright 2008 Mikey Dontusemypictureswithoutmypermission! All Rights Reserved>>>>