Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

A few from a trip to NYC.

I went to NYC last month for a good friend's wedding. Here are just a few random photographs from that trip. I have a couple more that I'll post later.

I've always been a fan of big open/empty/negative spaces, and I just realized that you can see that in this selection of photographs.

A friend turned me onto this site called "" It's a cool site that allows users to upload their own 12 song mixtape, which is available for anyone in the world to listen to. I've already posted a second set of songs on mine, which you can listen to now. I'll probably change the songs whenever I get bored of this mix. But go take a listen, then make your own mix, and send me the link!

(I stole this list design idea from a site called Awesome blog... go check it.)
My name is Mikey Tnasuttimonkol. I take pictures... it's my job. If you need to get at me, email me. <<<<© Copyright 2008 Mikey Dontusemypictureswithoutmypermission! All Rights Reserved>>>>